
Do you think that the classroom is a place to express care for students? Do you believe that teachers should be a role model for students that can help them grow into well rounded persons? Do you seek to support students emotionally in the turbulent time in which we live? Do you find it challenging to give shape to these ambitions? Are you looking for a community with like-minded teachers?

Be part of the Teaching with Heart community

We are building a community of teachers that develop and implement Teaching with Heart practices. We offer workshops where we assist STEM teachers in higher education to enhance a caring mindset for their classes. Following up on the workshop series we will bring participating teachers together through a series of online events, such as reading groups, so that we can learn from each other and support each other on a journey in our teaching career where we infuse STEM classes with a caring mindset.

Who can participate?

This program is for teachers who teach in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) fields in higher education in the United States. Teachers will be selected based on the information provided in the application. Participating teachers who have been selected and who complete the program, as described below, will receive a stipend of $500.

The Benefits From Participating

The program offers teachers the opportunity to reflect on their mindset as teachers, and we provide tools to reframe that mindset, where desired, to create a caring classroom environment. When translated into classroom habits this deepens and enriches the teaching experience for teachers and students.  We help teachers develop habits to show up heartfully in the classroom while under the pressure of modern-day life. By showing up with this mindset, the teaching experience becomes deeper and richer, and teachers are likely to be a positive role model for generations of students.

What does it take to participate?

Participation of teachers who are part of the 2024-2025 Teaching with Heart program involves the following:

  • Attend the online workshops that are offered on:
    • Tuesday, August 20, 2024, from 5:30 – 7:30 PM Mountain Time
    • Tuesday, August 27, 2024, from 5:30 – 7:30 PM Mountain Time
    • Thursday, September 5, 2024, from 5:30 – 7:30 PM Mountain Time
    • Thursday, September 12, 2024, from 5:30 – 7:30 PM Mountain Time
  • Be an active participant in the online community of practice of teachers for the academic year 2024-2025. This will take, on average, one hour per week except during the winter break.
  • Articulate a personal Teaching with Heart statement that sets a personal intention to Teach with Heart. 
  • Commit to bringing lessons-learned into teaching practice.
  • Share best practices for Teaching with Heart with other teachers in the program. 
  • Prepare teaching narratives before and after participation in Teaching with Heart program, that includes a reflection on teaching mindset and teaching habits.
  • Complete a workbook with insights and reflections in a timely fashion.
  • Take three online surveys with questions about Teaching with Heart.
  • Ask students to complete a voluntary perception survey before and after the program. We will provide the survey and collect the responses.

How can I apply?

You can apply by completing the form below by Thursday August 1, 2024. Please contact us for any questions you may have.


Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin? (optional)
How would you describe yourself?  (Optional)