Teaching With Heart Practices
The teaching with heart practices listed are divided into three categories:
- Practices that are easy to implement and that take little time.
- Practices that require reflection and a change of habits.
- Practices that require a sustained effort.
Please send us your suggestions for additional Teaching with Heart practices.
Practices that are easy to implement and that take little time
The practices below are easy to implement and take little class time or preparation time, and take little new skills of teachers. We just need to remind ourselves to pay attention to these practices.
Use name tents and ask for preferred pronouns
ask students how you can best support them
Be available, come to class early, and reach out to students
Put a few items that a student may need in your bag
- a snack, such as a granola bar,
- a painkiller, for example Tylenol, and
- a few Band-Aids.
Bringing these items is easy and cheap, and students appreciate it enormously if we can help them with these items in a difficult moments. And the benefits go beyond the student in need; all students feel cared for by a simple gesture of support. We all need somebody who acts like a parent at times!
Be grateful and thank your students
Mix with students outside the classroom
Students love to get to know their teachers outside the classroom. Spending time with students outside the classroom gives the opportunity to get to know each other better and in different ways. It also creates the opportunity to step out of the hierarchy that might exist in a classroom environment. How could you mix with students outside the classroom? Perhaps you can attend sport events, be faculty advisor to a student club, attend a play or other event organized by students, or simply go to one of the dining places on campus and sit down with students. The photo shows Chuck Stone, who champions building connections with students at Mines. He stands behind the pumpkin wearing an orange shirt on a day when students decided to dress as Chuck wearing shorts in Colorado winter weather.
Have fun
Help students mix and get to know each other (and you)
Before class, students are often sitting in isolation as they browse their electronic devices, and the chatter that characterizes a lively group of students is absent. Students feel more at home in the classroom if they know each other and discover common ground. This also helps them collaborate better. Group work helps students to get to know each other, especially if you ask them to introduce themselves to students they don’t know yet. Or you can ask students to turn to their neighbor and share one interesting aspect of their life. You can set a little time apart for classmate bingo where students mill around and enter the name of a student who fits into each square of the bingo card. If you are adventurous you can make bingo cards that are more daring. With these activities, pay in particular attention to introverted students since they need more time to be drawn out. Encouraging personal sharing in small groups helps these students. And don’t forget to participate yourself in these activities, students want to know you too!
Help students navigate the system
It can be daunting for students to navigate the university system. Challenges that can raise the stress levels of students include the institutional bureacracy, regristration for classes, and the conflicting requirements of different classes. Discussing such challengs help students navigate the system, but it also shows that as a teacher you aware of what’s going on in student’s lives beyond your course, and that you feel for them. You may be able to share your insights into the system, which can be particularly useful for first-generation students and transfer students.
Practices that require practice and a change of habits
Be aware of privileges
Show up as a whole person and be willing to be vulnerable
Be intentional in building the container for your class
It helps in every course to set the tone for a course in the first class(es), this is like building the container in which the teaching and learning takes place. It is tempting to focus on outcomes, assessment, and grading. These are important topics, but limiting the conversation to these topics communicates to students that as a teacher we there to evaluate and judge. Why not extend the conversation to more inspiring topics? As a teacher you could communicate a sense of joy for the topic, you could be inspirational, you could communicate that you want the class to be a safe environment where students are heard and seen, and that you care about students. The course syllabus is, of course, another opportunity to communicate this to students. For more ideas read the Teacher with Heart newsletter on building the class container.
Encourage students to be fearless
Develop students’ analytical and intuitive thinking
Promote students’ wellbeing
Take good care of yourself
Prioritize important issues over the class schedule
Sometimes traumatic events occur that preoccupy students’ minds. An example is a suicide on campus. Students appreciate it very much to have a class conversation when such events happen. By doing this we not only create a platform where students can discuss unsettling events, but also emphasize the importance of coming together in community in times of crisis. A 20-minute class conversation can make a huge difference!
Teach with a humble heart
Being the expert in front of students and holding power over their grades can be an ego-gratifying experience, which might lead us to teach with a mindset of superiority. But if we bring a humble heart to the classroom, students feel much safer, and we better serve their needs. Teaching with humility may help us be aware that our explanations might not be perfect for every student, and we could offer alternative explanations or resources. It stops us from pretending to be perfect and all-knowing, and instead we may show our doubts or gaps in what we know. Humility may help us remember what it was like to be a student and the challenges that we faced. And perhaps most importantly, a humble mindset helps us be aware that teaching is not about us as teacher; it is about students’ growth and learning.
Focus on the potential of students instead of their current level
Be patient
Good teaching requires patience. We cannot control the learning-rate of students, and we may have to go over difficult points several times. And when we are teaching the same class year after year, we go over the same material time and time again simply because we are teaching to a new group of students who may face the same difficulties as students in previous years. Often students have forgotten topics that they learned earlier–forgetting is normal in a healthy brain–and as a result we may have to go over topics several times before students get it. Patience allows us to deal with this unavoidable part of learning without feeling irritated. The figure is from Murre and Dros (2015). After a day we loose about 40% of what we had learned unless it is reinforced. That is a good thing to remember when we teach!
Adapt to the learning needs of students
As teachers we may be inclined to think that students learn in the same way as we do. For some students that may be case, but we may have students in our classes that have learning needs that are different from our own. Their hearing or vision may be impaired, or they face other physical challenges. Other students may be neurodivergent, for example in the form of dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, or being on the autistic spectrum. Some students may need special accommodations, for example, we might help a hearing-impaired student by using a microphone. Students who have a hard time focusing can benefit from the ability to draw or doodle during class. Some students may feel so much stress and anxiety by being in a classroom environment, that they learn better from material provided outside the classroom. How do we know what assistance students need? Asking them and giving them the option of responding in-person or online may be the best way to get the feedback that we need as teachers to create a productive and safe learning environment for all students.
Practices that require a sustained effort
See the inner person beyond the outer person
Listen deeply
To see the inner person in students, we need to listen deeply. In fact we all want to be heard and seen, and our students are no different. But deep listening is not easy and it takes much practice. It involves avoiding distractions–put away your phone and laptop, it involves careful observation by listening well and by picking up subtle cues from body language, and it entails listening for the “story behind the story.” Deep listening requires that we let go of preconceptions and stop telling ourselves a story; we simply are to take in what the other shares. But most importantly, deep listening means that we are quiet. In doing so, we resist the temptation to jump in and correct or give advice, no matter how good our intentions are.